Friday, April 8, 2011

Marine Apps for your Phone

Tim Smith Finally Speaks!

Tim has been one of the cameramen for Northeast Angling since the beginning and also hosts the great fishing site Skimmer Outdoors. He is more or less the most tech savvy member of the crew, always having new additions to his cameras and other equipment, and as this century has had such advances in technology, now every time we film he has some new incredible app for his current phone, but because of that he had actually dropped his iPhone overboard during a shoot. Watch this great clip Tim has made about all the amazing apps available for your smartphones including a chartplotter created by Navionics.

Kyle Ondrey
Senior Writer/Director of Marketing - Northeast Angling

Mustad Power Lock Weighted EWG Hook

MustadOver the years I have often been reluctant to throw soft plastics early in the spring before the bunker show up because it can be difficult to get a good presentation. Your either threading a shad onto a jig head or using a weedless style hook. The problem with weedless style hooks it that they are unbalanced and give a very unnatural presentation and its a pain to properly thread the hook on.

Many manufacturers have offerred simple versions that consisted of a very simple keeper attached to the hook eye.  The keeper was a good addition because it made re-baiting much faster and allowed the bait to sit more flush with the hook, but many times the bait would get pulled off from the bite or while fighting the fish. The other issue is that the hook never stayed straight up, the whole rig would spin, and the presentation would suffer.

6/0 and 11/0 hooks. Feautered baits are a 6in Berkley Gulp Grub "Pink Shine", 4in Berkley Gulp Alive Shimp "Natural" both on 6/0 hooks.

6/0 and 11/0 hooks. Feautered baits are a 6in Berkley Gulp Grub “Pink Shine”, 4in Berkley Gulp Alive Shimp “Natural” both on 6/0 hooks.

Mustad has spent years of research and has truly perfected this type of hook with their Power Lock Plus Weighted EWG Hook. A wire spiral with a central spike is attached to the hook.  The tip of the bait is spun onto the spiral while the center pin keeps it in position.

One of the most amazing features of this new hook is the sliding weight on the shaft. In past hooks weights have been fixed on the shaft, which decreases your ability to give your baits a custom presentation. Having this sliding weight is important because with all the different styles and shapes of soft plastics you need to change your rig to suit the bait and that’s exactly what this hook allows you to do.

Jeff Pierce (frequent show guest) and the innovative team from Mustad have created a new spiral gripper with a central pin that holds the bait on. The previous model was not effective enough for many of the new plastic bait styles.  The new gripper was able to hold the baits on with up to 4 pounds of pressure which is simply incredible.

The new design of this hook allows you to rig it in a lot of interesting and effective ways which can be seen on the Mustad web site  here.

Special note from Capt AndyLoCascio - “This is going to totally change the way we fish plastic baits and all the Berkley Power Baits (which are not actually plastic).  We will now be able to make the perfect presentation with the best bait for the situation!”

Kyle Ondrey
Senior Writer/Director of Marketing - Northeast Angling


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Video - How to fillet Walleye - Walleye Cleaning

February 3rd, 2011 Ivo Posted in Fish Cleaning, Freshwater Fishing, Videos |

Hello again folks. This week we’d like to present to you another great video, this time on how to fillet those delicious walleye.

If the video does not load, you can view it here: How to fillet Walleye - Walleye Cleaning

Hello again folks. This week we’d like to present to you another great video, this time on how to fillet those delicious walleye.

Cleaning (or filleting) walleye does not have to be a tricky thing to do. And here we even show you how to get an extra tasty treat from the walleye!

Until next time, good fishin’!


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